”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
”Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age” experience at Akiusha
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Tour #6 "Terroir x Marriage
= Terro-age"
experience at Akiusha

  • Miyagi
  • Wine Sake whiskey Beer

A program to experience and feel the concept of "Terroir x Marriage = Terro-age," the marriage between all the elements of Tohoku's great sake, food, nature, and human influence.
Now available at "Akiusha," a converted restaurant from a traditional building located at Akiu hot spring village of Sendai City.

The theme will always be different, from region to ingredients.
Producers in the chosen field will be invited as our guests, so listen to their concepts while savoring the paired food and drinks of the land.
This is a great opportunity to experience the food, the drink, the terroir and the culture of all the epicurean varieties that Tohoku has to offer.


  • Dinner with an opportunity to hear the producer's thoughts and deepen the understanding of the ingredients or regions which serve as the theme.
  • The chef will prepare dishes using the freshest of ingredients. Savor and appreciate the freshly prepared dishes together with the producers.
  • The pairing of the ingredients and the sake of the land. Enjoy the "marriage."
  • Enjoy the airy and spacious, renovated 160-year-old building and its garden.
  • Marriage of amazing sake and food

    Marriage of amazing sake and food

    Enjoy the marriage, the pairing of the best food and drink that the land has to offer.
    ※ Menu will vary every time (Both Buffet style and Course style available)
  • Get to know the thoughts of producers

    Get to know the thoughts of producers

    Producers are invited and have the opportunity to speak their thoughts about production and on-site concepts.
  • Learn the story of each ingredient

    Learn the story of each ingredient

    See, touch, taste and learn the story behind each of the freshest of ingredients.
  • Enjoy the amazing sake

    Enjoy the amazing sake

    Enjoy the drink of the land. (Depending on the theme of the region, we offer wine, Japanese sake, beer, whiskey, etc. )
  • Talk to producers

    Talk to producers

    Enjoy the drink and the food with the producers and feel at home. Let the conversations take their natural course.
  • Night at Akiusha

    Night at Akiusha

    The color and aura of this old converted building. Appreciate its magical presence appearing through the darkness of the night, available only at dinner events.

※ All images are for illustration purposes

Tour details

"Akiusha" Start → Opening ceremony, greeting from the producers → Toast → Explanation of the drink and food by the chef → Dinner, chat and mingle → Closing ceremony → Finish

【Meeting Place】 Akiusha (9-4 Aza Nozoki, Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku-ku, Sendai-shi)
【Participants】Varies by event(Approx. 25 persons)
【Season】 2019 1st event: November 23 (Sun.) ※Held irregularly after
【Time】 Varies by event (Approx. 18:00 - 21:00)
【Price】 varies by event(Approx. cost per person 3,500 - 10,000 Yen)

【Included in price】
● Dinner ● Paired wine (Number of glasses depends on event)
【Not included in price】
● Additional Drinks